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Friday, August 28, 2009

Sick Days

It was sick days for Yee Heng last week to fight with fever virus. His body started a little bit hot on Friday morning. We thought it might be just regular body hot and reminded mom to give him more water.

Later in the afternoon, I received a call from mom saying that he might be suffered from fever as the body heat come and go. We decided to go back early that day to see the situation.We gave him fever medicine that given during injection. Half an hour later, situation get better a bit, but he lost appetite. The body heat still not recoved in the mid night. We decided to bring him see Doctor in the next day.

At Bagan Specialist, there was long queue of patients waiting there. Hmm.... we only had change to see Doctor at ~1pm. His body temperature was 38.5 c at that time. After checkout was done, Doctor said he got sore throat and caused the fever. Besides that, we also infected skin disease called Eczema. Doctors gave me 2 books to understand about Eczema. We were hungry and decided to buy food back home and gave him medicine to make sure the body temperature didn't go higher.

The medicine was very effecitive, the heat go away after 1 hour. He become active after that. However, 5-6 hours later, the body heat come back again and he lost appetite due to throat infection. We started to get nervous and gave him medicine again. The body heat stayed there till midnight, waked up, made noise. we measured his temperature, wow... 38.7c. We feed him again with fever medicine, hope the temperature can go away.

On Sunday, the body temperature come and go. Mom proposed to ask "Ang Kong", had no choice we brought him to visit at Juru village, quite famous. Don't say me supersition, OK! We took emergency leave on Monday, will bring him to visit Doctor if the body heat come back. Yes, it was normal till afternoon. I told my wife "ok, sounds like we do not need to see Doctor then". Everything was fine to the next day and we back to work.

In the afternoon again, mom called me up "His body, face, hand and leg... all got red dot." We wanted to let him see Doctor this time. We reached Bagan Specialist at 4.30pm before the closing window. Doctor diagnosed and said this was sign of recovery. Don't be panic, and it could be recovered in few days.Yes, these few days, he back to normal and everything is fine. He turns to active now. We suffers and gain experienced through all this. I guess this is normal process being gone though by every single parents in the world.

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