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Friday, July 24, 2009

Toy gift from Singapore

First of all, would like to say thank you to Wooi Seng for carrying the toys all the way from Singapore. Thank you so much, appreciate it.

My wife has picked some toys that suit for Yee Heng at the age now and cleaned it. He still plays happily, kids wouldn't differentiate new or old as long as it is fun for they to play. In fact, we seldom spend money on toys, but we gave him toys that given by relatives and friends, most of the toys he have now are from US. We bought it in garage sales, some just cost like a quarter ($0.25), really worthwhile.
We will pass the toys to others once Yee Heng no longer need them. Fortunately, both of us have the same mindset, as long as things are in good condition, we will reuse or recycle it. Let's practise the good habits to do recycle everyday to safe our mother earth.

Toys from Singapore :
Some toys bought in garage sales US:

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