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Saturday, July 18, 2009

He is skinny

Friends were telling me that Yee Heng looked chubby. This is not true, his face actually make him looked "bak bak" while his body is skinny. His weight has been maintaining at 8.25kg for few months, consider a bit underweight now. Well, he takes 2 times of porridge each day and 7oz of milk every 3 hours. We have no problem to feed him, in fact he loves eating. The only reason we can think of is he is too active, he spends a lot of energy in crawling, playing and now start to learn how to walk. He is able to walk quite a distance and smile with proud :)

Doctors gave few Pediasure packets for him. Heard Pediasure is the most expensive milk powder in the market and can boot up baby's appetite and contains necessary nutrition. Hopefully, he can gain back weight to at least back to normal curve.

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